- decauville
- m узкоколе́йная желе́зная доро́га, узкоколе́йка ◄е► fam.
Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif. 2014.
Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif. 2014.
Decauville — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Vagones Decauville Decauville fue un fabricante francés de equipo ferroviario, locomotoras, vagonetas, trenes industriales y de vía estrecha ampliamente utilizados en todo el mundo a finales del siglo XIX y durante… … Wikipedia Español
decauville — [ dəkovil ] n. m. • fin XIXe; nom de l inventeur ♦ Chemin de fer à voie étroite très employé dans les mines, les carrières. decauville n. m. CH de F Chemin de fer à voie étroite (40 60 cm). decauville [dəkovil] n. m. ÉTYM. Fin XIXe; du nom de l… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Decauville — Plaque de locomotive Decauville La 020T Alasace vers 1910 La socié … Wikipédia en Français
Decauville — Lokomotive Decauville 2005, Chemin de fer des Chanteraines … Deutsch Wikipedia
Decauville — Name plate of the Decauville company. The Decauville manufacturing company was founded by Paul Decauville (1846–1922), a French pioneer in industrial railways. Decauville s major innovation was the use of ready made sections of light, narrow… … Wikipedia
decauville — de·cau·vil·le s.f.inv. ES fr. {{wmetafile0}} TS tecn. nelle miniere e nei cantieri, ferrovia a scartamento ridotto, di facile montaggio, per il trasporto dei materiali in vagoncini a cassone ribaltabile {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1913. ETIMO: da… … Dizionario italiano
decauville — də̇ˈkōˌvil, vēl, kȯˌvil adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: after Paul Decauville died 1922 French industrialist who invented equipment for such a railroad : of, relating to, or being a narrow gauge railroad whose track is mounted in … Useful english dictionary
Decauville automobile — Decauville licensed as a Wartburg (from 1898) Decauville was a French automobile maker, a subsidiary of a company already famous for producing locomotives. The company was registered as Société des Voitures Automobiles Decauville in 1897 and the… … Wikipedia
Décauville automobile — Décauville was a French automobile maker, a subsidiary of a company already famous for producing locomotives. The company was registered as Société des Voitures Automobiles Decauville in 1897 and the factory started producing automobiles in… … Wikipedia
Decauville Hotel — (Геракини,Греция) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: Gerakini, Геракини, 63100, Греци … Каталог отелей
decauville — {{hw}}{{decauville}}{{/hw}}Ferrovia a piccolo scartamento usata in miniere, cantieri e stabilimenti … Enciclopedia di italiano